The Haddonfield Area Lions Club is taking nominations for the William G. Hansen 2021 Youth of the Year Award. This award is named for Bill Hansen (pictured above), who was the Haddonfield Citizen of the Year in 1987 and served as a Lion and a dedicated community volunteer until his death at the age of 102 in March 2020.
The award recognizes students who live in Haddonfield and who volunteer to help those in need, and who, like Bill Hansen, dedicate their time and energy to giving back.
To nominate someone, please e-mail one of the Committee Chairs, Debra Nussbaum (debranussbaum1987@gmail.com) or Ellen Ragone (ellensragone@gmail.com), with your name and contact information and the nominee's name, age, grade, and contact information, and provide a description of the activities in which the nominee participates as well as any stories that demonstrate her/his commitment to helping others.
The nomination deadline is April 20.