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29th Annual Pancake Breakfast

Lions Pancake Breakfast on October 14th!!

What: 29th Annual Pancake Breakfast

Who: Lions Club of Haddonfield

When: Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Where: First Baptist Church of Haddonfield Kings Highway at Tanner Street Haddonfield, NJ 08033 Tickets: $7.00 per person

Tickets may be purchased at the door, or in advance from any Lion. Advance tickets can also be purchased at the Haddonfield Information Center in Kings Court.

Proceeds: All proceeds benefit the Haddonfield Lions Blind Fund, which is used to support sight awareness/prevention programs and Haddonfield community organizations.

For additional information please contact: Lion Jeff Kasko, Chairman - or 856-216-7692

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Join the Haddonfield Lions Club

The most important mission of the Haddonfield Lions Club is to serve, with a focus on those who are blind and visually impaired. Club members are always ready and willing to reach out to those in need and lend its support to deserving organizations, activities, and causes.


When you join the Haddonfield Lions Club, you become part of an active, fun-loving group of local citizens who enjoy being together and serving the community and region, as well as working nationally and internationally through the efforts of Lions Club international, the world's largest service organization.

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