What We Do...We Serve!
The Haddonfield Lions Club sponsors nine major Community Service Projects, and conducts six fundraisers.
All of the money we raise will go to the Haddonfield Lions Foundation, which donates over $30,000 each year to worthy community causes, sight preservation projects, and to those in need.
Community Involvement
Semi-Annual Blood Drive
Dancing for the Vision-impaired and Blind
Sponsor Children's Holiday Shopping for visually impaired kids
Vision Screening for School Children
Student Scholarship Awards
March in Haddonfield Independence Day Parade / Provide refreshments at the parade finish line
Provide temporary assisted living funding (food and rent) to local citizens in need
Ticketed Events
Blind Seal Donation Solicitation Mailing
Host Mayor's Breakfast / Citizen of the Year Award / Youth of the Year Award
Family Pasta Dinner with Basket Auction
Skirmish - Breakfast with the Troops
Flea Market
5K Vision Run
White Can Collections near Thanksgiving